Preferred Supplier

Golf Carts

Representative Name:

Will Heath

Email Address:

Phone Number:


Steps for Purchasing Golf Carts

1. Initiate Contact

  • Departments planning to purchase golf carts should contact Fleet Management Equipment Repair Supervisor Will Heath at
  • Provide details on the intended use, justification, and any specific requirements for the golf cart.

2. Request Review

  • Will Heath will review your request to ensure it meets the university's standards and requirements.
  • If the request is approved, you will receive a proposal that includes a detailed quote.

3. Create Purchase Requisition

  • Upon receiving the proposal, the department must create a purchase requisition in the procurement system.
  • Attach the provided quote/proposal to the requisition for approval and processing.
  • Follow any additional steps required by the Procurement Office to finalize the purchase.

4. Approval and Procurement

  • The purchase requisition will go through the standard approval process, including review by property accounting for orders over $5K.
  • Once approved, the procurement system will email the purchase order to the vendor, and the department will be notified of the expected delivery date.

The Controller's Office is located in the Cambridge Office Building, also known as COB, at the intersection of S. Main street and Cambridge street.

In this building you will find the the following Departments:

The Cashier's Office is a division of the Controllers Office, however, it is located in the Allen Center, directly behind the Cambridge Office building.

Our Location:

Cambridge Office Building
6100 Main Street MS 70
Houston, Texas 77005-1827