Guidelines Procedures: Inventory Tracking
Biennial Inventory
Each Chair or Department Administrator should keep Property Accounting advised of the contact person for equipment related matters within their department. Property Accounting will survey each area annually to confirm the current contact person, but recommends they be notified when changes occur.
Prior to the start of the inventory, equipment downloads showing the information currently contained in the Fixed Assets System records will be provided for review. If changes are required, the electronic file should be modified to show those changes and returned to Property Accounting within seven (7) working days. This will ensure the inventory crew is provided with the most current and accurate data when performing the inventory.
Assigned department personnel must be available to accompany the inventory crew member(s) in all restricted areas or provide access as required. It is the responsibility of the department coordinator to disclose the contents of, or open for inspection, any locked or inconspicuous areas during the inventory.
Equipment downloads will be provided to each department upon request after the inventory is complete. Additionally, equipment downloads are available upon request at any time during the year.