Shared Values Survey

Controller's Office Shared Values Feedback Form

Our commitment to you is demonstrated by our Shared Values and we would love to hear from you concerning our efforts in this regard. Please provide any feedback to us on how our office is doing. Thank you so much for your time.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

About which of our shared values would you like to comment?
(You may choose more than one)

The Controller's Office is located in the Cambridge Office Building, also known as COB, at the intersection of S. Main street and Cambridge street.

In this building you will find the the following Departments:

The Cashier's Office is a division of the Controllers Office, however, it is located in the Allen Center, directly behind the Cambridge Office building.

Our Location:

Cambridge Office Building
6100 Main Street MS 70
Houston, Texas 77005-1827