Unrelated Business Income Tax
Although Rice University is a Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, it is required to pay corporate income tax on net income from unrelated business activities. Unrelated business income (UBI) is income from activity that is conducted as a trade or business, regularly carried on, and not substantially related to the exempt purpose of the University. Form 990-T is filed annually to report the University's net unrelated business taxable income.
General Requirements for Unrelated Business Income (UBI)
A. Trade or Business
- Activities conducted with the intent to make a profit (a goal to just break even is not deemed as a profit motive)
- Activities will not be excluded from being considered UBI merely because it did not generate profit
- If a loss is at least 3 years in a row, consider the "hobby loss" rule and remove it from UBI
B. Regularly Carried On
- Activities conducted with frequency and continuity
- Activities pursued in a manner similar to comparable commercial activities of for-profit organizations
- Activities engaged in only "discontinuously or periodically" won't be considered "regularly carried on" if no competitive and promotional efforts
C. Not Substantially Related to the University's Exempt Purpose (i.e. education & research)
- Size and extent of the activities in relation to the nature and extent of the exempt function are relevant
- Whether or not the income produced from the activity is used for the exempt function is irrelevant
UBI Exceptions
- Convenience exception: activities are performed for the convenience of Rice students, officers, faculties and staff
- Volunteer labor: trade/business activities in which substantially all the work is performed by volunteers
- Donated merchandise: selling merchandise Rice received as gifts or charitable donations
- Passive income: income such as interest, dividend, annuities, real property rental, royalties, and capital gain, if not debt-financed
- Research income: income from research, whether fundamental or applied, is not UBI, except for commercial testing or inspecting
- Qualified sponsorship payment (without triggering substantial return benefit rule)
Common Types of UBI
- UBI flow through to Rice from investment partnerships or joint ventures
- Passive income generated by debt-financed investment
- Advertising income
- Parking for the general public or alumni
- Sales of goods or services to the public
- Recreation facilities used by the general public
- Rental of facility bundled with services
- Dorm rental with room service & board provided to third-party for-profit entities
For additional information, see Rice UBI Tax Guidance
Contact Tax@rice.edu