Proper Reporting

Security Protection: Proper Reporting

Any unlawful act which results in the loss of or damage to equipment owned by Rice University must be reported to the Rice University Police Department, if the equipment is located on the Rice campus. For loss or damage of Rice-owned equipment located off-campus, the local law enforcement agency must be notified. Notification to the appropriate agency must be made as soon as possible after the incident has occurred.

Immediately after notifying the appropriate law enforcement agency, Property Accounting should be notified via email ( of the status of the equipment (e.g., stolen, damaged beyond repair, damaged and in need of repair, etc.). The email should include identifying information such as PTag number, make, model and serial number for each item of equipment included in the incident. If available, a copy of the law enforcement agency’s incident report should be attached to the email or mailed to Property Accounting. If the report is not available until a later date, it should be emailed or mailed as soon as received.

The cost of some losses or damages may be recoverable through Rice’s insurance coverage. For questions about eligibility, please contact the Director of Risk Management, Renee Block, at or x4751.