Purchasing Card Application / Change Forms

Purchasing Card Application / Change Forms

The purchasing card program has been endorsed by the President's Office as the preferred method for purchasing goods, services and TEBM expenses costing less than $3,000. Purchasing Cards are customized to the individual user based on usage needs. In addition to customized spending limits, four profiles are available:

  1. General purchasing only
  2. General purchasing with travel / entertainment
  3. Travel / entertainment only
  4. Custodial / department card

Obtaining a purchasing card

All paid Rice University faculty and staff are eligible to receive a purchasing card after approval from the Department Chair or Designee has been made. The Chair or Designee approves this when the Rice University faculty and staff are responsible for making general and/or travel and entertainment related purchases on the University's behalf.

Purchasing card application

To apply for a Rice University Purchasing Card fill out an application form and submit it to the Purchasing Card Administrator at pcards@rice.edu. The application can be found at https://controller.rice.edu/facultystaff-purchasing-cards

Purchasing card change forms

To make changes to an existing card, click on the Purchasing Card Change Form found at https://controller.rice.edu/facultystaff-purchasing-cards. Complete the form and email to pcards@rice.edu.

Instructions for filling out the application form

Applicant Information

  1. Check the box(es) that applies to the type of card you wish to receive.
    1. Purchasing only.
    2. Purchasing with travel and entertainment (T & E).
  2. Enter legal name, date of birth, country of citizenship, employee number, & select a password (8 character limit).
  3. Enter the cardholder's legal name.
  4. Enter the specific information to appear on the second line of the purchasing card. (Examples to include department name, a specific use, institute name, etc.).
  5. Enter home address.
  6. Enter the department name, building and room in which it is located.
  7. Enter the mail stop number.
  8. Enter the telephone extension.
  9. Enter the cardholder's email address.

Card information

  1. Enter the limits for general purchasing.
    1. A single purchase transaction dollar limit not to exceed $2,999.00.
    2. The number of authorizations (uses / swipes) per day.
    3. The number of authorizations (uses / swipes) per monthly cycle.
  2. Enter the limits for travel and entertainment.
    1. A single purchase transaction dollar limit.
    2. The number of authorizations (uses / swipes) per day.
    3. The number of authorizations (uses / swipes) per monthly cycle.
  3. A monthly cycle purchase dollar limit. PCard cycles run the 10th-9th of each month. 
  4. List any special instructions.

Approving official information

Supervisor / approving official

  1. Enter the name of the approving official of the cardholder.
  2. Enter the approving official's title and their building and room.
  3. Enter the approving official's email address and telephone extension.

Dean / VP name and email

This section only needs to be filled out when the cardholder is going to have access to travel and entertainment. If the cardholder does have access to travel and entertainment, this is a required field.

Enter the Dean / VP's name and email address of the cardholder.

Second Reviewer

This section is an optional field. 

Third Reviewer 

This section is an optional field. 

Verified by applicant

The cardholder needs to sign the form in the "Verified by Applicant" section.

The signature of the approving official is required on the form before the card can be ordered.

Email the completed application to pcards@rice.edu. Once the card has been ordered, it will take approximately 7-10 business days to arrive. Once the card has arrived, and the training has been completed, the PCard will be sent to the cardholder's mailstop. 

For questions regarding the Purchase Card Application / Change Forms, please contact the Purchasing Card Team at pcards@rice.edu