Faculty/Staff Purchasing Cards

The PCard is the University’s preferred method for purchasing and paying for goods and services costing less than $3,000 and for travel, business meeting, and entertainment expenses. General purchases $3,000 or more cannot be purchased with the PCard and must be purchased through Procurement in iO.

The PCard is a corporate liability card issued in an employee’s name. This is a benefit to the employee as Rice directly makes payment to the card issuer eliminating the need for an employee to use their personal card and then seek reimbursement.

Rice University paid faculty and staff responsible for making purchases on the University’s behalf are eligible for a PCard. Four profiles of cards are available.

  • Non-travel
  • Non-travel combined with Travel/Entertainment
  • Travel/Entertainment
  • Custodial/Department Card

*Note: Cardholders receive email notifications when Purchasing Card (PCard) charges are been posted to iO. This notification enables cardholders to quickly identify any fraudulent charges and easily track when charges are ready for review and submission. If you have any questions or are not receiving the notification emails, please reach out to pcards@rice.edu.