Research & Cost Accounting

Advance Spending Project

What is an Advance Spending Project?

An Advance Spending Project is a sponsored project established prior to completion of the award process.

When is an Advance Spending Project needed?
  1. Spending needs to begin for a new project for which an award is still in process
  2. There is a reasonable expectation of a new award and spending will soon start on the project
  3. Experience with the sponsor has demonstrated incremental funding will be either
    • a new award, or
    • an amendment with "separable funding" limitations.
Reasons for Advance Spending Project:
  • To allow for proper tracking of sponsored project expenses.
  • To reduce the number of cost transfers and salary re-distributions.
What is needed to establish an Advance Spending Project?
  • PI / Department:
    • Completes the Pre-Award/Advance Spending Request in Cayuse. The instructions are available on the SPARC website.
    • Obtains needed approval.
    • Processes the request in Cayuse.
  • Sponsored Projects and Research Compliance (SPARC):
    • Advises on the current status of the proposal.
    • Forwards the requests and proposal information to RCA for setup.
  • Research and Cost Accounting:
    • Sets up the Faculty fund using the same process as that for other PI faculty funds.
      • "Advanced Spending Project 1" used as identifier in the faculty fund task title.
      • Budget is entered for the estimate amount to be spent in advance.
      • Once award is executed, award and project is setup in iO, costs are moved by department from faculty fund to project, and faculty fund is closed by RCA
Advance Spending Project or Pre-Award Period Approval?
  • Advance Spending Project is appropriate when there is no award yet in place.
  • Pre-Award Period approval is needed before the award is setup in iO, and the PI requests that the project start date be back-dated for up to 90 days.
    • Pre-award approval is requested and processed via the Pre-Award/ Advance Spending Request form discussed above.
    • When a pre-award period has been approved, RCA will enter the pre-award date in iO.

Procedures updated 6/7/2021

The Controller's Office is located in the Cambridge Office Building, also known as COB, at the intersection of S. Main street and Cambridge street.

In this building you will find the the following Departments:

The Cashier's Office is a division of the Controllers Office, however, it is located in the Allen Center, directly behind the Cambridge Office building.

Our Location:

Cambridge Office Building
6100 Main Street MS 70
Houston, Texas 77005-1827